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Premum Videos
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The Rule of Twelfths - How to Estimate Tidal Height without an AlmanacRule of Twelfths (WEB)
Micro-Courses & Guides for Premium members (7).png
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What can you get for a little extra

As our name suggests, we offer free sailing tutorials in bite-sized chunks. We generate written and video content. In addition, we offer premium content for our premium members. This includes;

  • Exclusive access to premium videos & blogs written only for premium members

  • Exclusive access to premium member-only forums which allow you to ask questions of me and fellow members and also share information.

  • 20% Discount on our Rookie Skipper Guides available as they are published.

  • 10% Discount on one-to-one online tutorials

Membership tiers start from just £1 per week with a maximum commitment of just 3 months. 


In due course, we plan to run some experiences on the water both in the UK and overseas. When these come online, members will also get discounts on these.

Enhance your safety on the water with dynamic proformas
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Micro courses options
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